Augmented Operations
Unlock your team deep operational intelligence, augmented with superior preventive maintenance power.
Eliminate operation complexity, transform the E2E model
Discover how Avanseus applies Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to realize fully predictive operations and enable zero touch automation.

Achieve Extreme Operations Automation via key Applications
Fault Prediction
We use patented AI based algorithm to accurately predict active/passive infrastructure and service level faults, neutral to the technology domains and vendors

Predictive Maintenance
Push your service operation cycle to a superior experience empowered by Cross-Domain Correlation, Root Cause Analysis (RCA), Faults Prioritization and Integrated Automations
Topology Discovery
Forget the cross-correlation complexity and long RCA analysis thanks to detailed relations and connectivity info identification. Elevates the user experience with graphical view interaction for a complete nodes and equipment control.

Health Index Prediction
Anticipate equipment deterioration and failures much before it happens, acting over the performance degradations. Health Index is assigned to equipment for degradation prediction, allowing you responding in advance to potential problems, selecting the level of severity.
Inventory Optimization
Categorize the predictions focusing on the equipment components failure better organize the repair and replacement process the lifetime management. Take control of your inventory anticipating critical events, planning efficient interventions